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The Church of the "Kazanskaya" icon of the Mother of God, village Tovarischevo in Moscow


Main altar: the "Kazanskaya" icon of the Mother of God
Side altar: St. Sergius Of Radonezh
Date of the foundation: 1680
Date of the consecration: 1684
Date of closing: 30-ies of XX century
Date of the revival: 2006 г.
Rector: priest Mikhail Borodin
Address: 142137, The Church of the "Kazanskaya" icon of the Mother of God, village Tovarischevo,  Klenovskoe settlement, Trinity administrative district, Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (917) 544-81-11
The church is open daily from 9.00 to 19.00
     The village Grigor'evskoe (Tovarischevo) is mentioned in the census books from 1627/28.
     The village has been in the land of Ivan Gribanov, then his son Sava. And Boris I. Golovin owned the village together with the wife of Ivan Gribanov Paraschiva by deed executed in 1625.
     From 1678 village owned by "Stolnik" (waiter serving the king's table), parlament nobleman Petr I. Potemkin. In January of 1680 P.I. Potemkin filed a petition to the Patriarchal State Order on permitting the construction in his village wooden Church of "Kazanskaya" icon of the Mother of God.
     The wooden Church was built in 1680 and in 1684 consecrated.
     Next time, from 1704 to 1734, the village Grigor'evskoe (Tovarischevo) owned by his grandson, full councillor of state Ivan S. Potemkin. With the active participation of the landowner Prince Cherkassky (named in metric of 1886 «church-creator») I.S. Potemkin in 1731 refered to the Synodal State Order with the request to permit construction of the stone Church instead of the old wooden one.
     In 1735 by architect Fyodor Vasilyev a stone Church was built and consecrated. It had two altars: of the "Kazanskaya" icon of the Mother of God (main altar) and of the St. Sergius of Radonezh (side altar in the refectory).
     The Church had no reconstructions during almost three centuries, until the Soviet times.
     We have only a few archival sources, indicating that:
  • in 1814, the Church was consecrated again after the liberation from the enemy (the war of 1812), who left her untouched;
  • on may 17 of 1823, the decree was issued to replace the old wooden roof (original stone Church was covered with boards) for iron one;
  • in the metric of 1886 Church is listed as the unchanging in its original form, strong, one time building;
  • estimated statement of July 29, 1910, conluded that in the Church in the refectory was installed Dutch oven, thus, the side altar of St. Sergius of Radonezh was «warm», and in the summer, served at the main altar.
     In the 30s of the XX century, the Church was closed and converted to a club, then used as granary. Since the beginning of the 50-ies local residents broke the remaining walls exploded Church on a brick... The building was completely desolate. To the beginning of XXI century has been preserved only destroyed bell tower and great hill on the place where was basic part of the church.
     In the spring time of 2002 such poor condition of the Church started to change for the better gradually: in the "Kazanskaya" Church was appointed Archpriest Alexander Schumaev. In the summer of 2004, just a few weeks, hill was excavated and under it there were found the remains of the walls.
     On November 8 of 2005, the rector of Chuch Archpriest Alexander Schumaev died tragically
     On March of 2006, the new rector of the "Kazanskaya" Church became a priest Mikhail Borodin.
      On May 23 of 2006, sky blue poppy-head with a gilded cross over it shone over the ancient village. On 21 July the first, for many decades, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated.

More info about the reconstruction, read here.

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